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Pop up Optica La Vie within the LeiLou boutique

In this busy lifestyle, when everything, including fashion, changes at the speed of light, uniqueness and individuality become increasingly important, and the easiest way to stand out from the crowd, but also to extend the shelf life of some clothing items, is fashion accessories. Even the most successful Croatian fashion designer Aleksandra Dojčinović knows this, and since last weekend she has been offering her clients an even more complete sense of fashion and style at her Lei Lou boutique in Zagreb's Ilica 15, thanks to the opening of the Optica La Vie pop up.

It is about a very trendy concept of designer stores in the world at the moment, which offer their clients absolutely everything in the same space, from clothing, handbags and signature shoes to jewelry, hats and, as in this case, sunglasses from the world's most famous fashion houses . So, we are talking about a completely revolutionary shopping experience where, in one place, with a personalized approach and service, with just a few carefully selected details, you can upgrade your own style, give it some new directions and even change it completely.

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